Sunday, July 4, 2010

Tomorrow we’ll take our two grandsons home after a two week stay. I’ll really miss them. They’re nine and twelve and the most interesting people on the planet. Now and then I come across an article about what all the electronic media exposure is doing to modern young minds. Maybe I should say media obsession. Computer games, U-tube, Play Station, television, and so on. My two don’t have phones and so are not into texting or twittering yet, thank goodness. Don’t know if they would have time for “good mornings” if they added twittering to their electronic activities. It does worry me. What about exercise, playing, talking, reflection? But those things are not absent from their lives. They have bikes. Their Pee Paw takes them fishing. Their dad takes them camping. But the proportion of those “real” experiences seems low to their virtual worlds. But, not to worry. How varied is the human experience, after all. Some kids don’t have computers at all, and that’s a limitation also. Some live in big cities, shudder, and don’t have tomatoes growing in the back yard. And you know what else eases my minor concern: they both read.

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